Nöfer Architekten


Densification has proved an effective tool for dealing with the impacts of population growth in Berlin, and the comparatively generous large-scale developments in the East German modernist style are increasingly coming under pressure. On March­witza­stra­sse, a more than fifty years old ribbon development is now being augmented by new residential high-rises and a supermarket as well as a refuge for people in need. We consider ourselves privileged to be able, within the financial scope defined by the client, to build for people in need and provide them with a safe place of high architectural quality. Since length of stay varies widely, the eight-storey residential building is legally registered as a boarding house. It is serviced around the clock. Some of the small apartments can be linked to shelter an entire family. Shared kitchens, lounges, and hobby rooms provide a social dimension giving inhabitants a sense of security at a time of personal emergency.


KIM. - Kilian Immobiliengruppe

Kilian Projektmanagement Berlin GmbH



Berlinovo Marchwitzastraße GmbH

Project Phase

HOAI 1-5, Architectural direction

Time frame

2021 - 2023


3.700 qm


Marchwitzastraße 33, 12681 Berlin-Marzahn


Nöfer Architekten I Maximilian Meisse