Nöfer Architekten

Stresemannstrasse 61 - 63

The residential buildings at Stresemannstrasse 61 to 63 complete the development of homes, offices, and a day-care centre built by Nöfer Architekten from 2013 to 2019 as part of the block between Stre­se­mannstrasse​, Möckernstrasse,​ and Hal­le­sche Stra­sse near Anhalter Bahnhof. Within the limited space defined by the development plan, the design accommodates a wide array of different-sized flats now available for rent from the owners, Wohnbau GmbH. The three houses facing the road have shops on the ground floor; two buildings are situated within the courtyard. Subtle variations in their typology and geometry give each building a character of its own, although the materials and colours are consistent with the other new buildings in the ensemble. In their representational aspects, the two eight-storey buildings situated within the city block harmonize with the buildings from the first construction phase located opposite them. The facades of the three buildings facing the road, in contrast, feature brick string courses laid flush with the rendering and bay windows with oblique side walls. Brick surrounds lend the shop fronts a distinctive character. While this detailed articulation posed a serious challenge to the subcontractors involved in the project, it ensures that despite the pressure of rising costs in the construction of rental flats, the buildings appear well-made and elegant.


Metronom Development GmbH & Co.KG, Kondor Wessels Wohnen Berlin GmbH

Project phase

HOAI 1-5

Time frame

2015 - 2018


12,100 sqm


16.5 million EUR


Hal­le­sche Stra­ße 2–9,10963 Ber­lin


Nöfer Architekten I Maximilian Meisse